
Monday, May 10, 2010


U know how's it like when u've promised yourself and declared that you will stop shopping for don't know how many bullshit months. But then there's the rare occasion of getting that cute lil piece of something just because you think it will do no harm since its just a tiny piece of thing.

Then you realized that you've been buying all these tiny pieces of stuff which in actual fact adds up to a considerable large amount of sum? Haih FML.

My damages I did in between the hair cut and pedicure.

Legal damage

Illegal damage.

I bought these happy stuff after my pedicure when I was on the way to meet the fatty monkey whom was waiting for me at Starbucks and he doesn't know bout it. Ok  he would anytime he sees this post. zzzz.

Haih a lot happened lately and I can't really talk bout them here. Karen says its quarter life crisis. wtf. HAHAHAHAHAA.

Till then. I really miss being a student.

3 scrawlins':

Kathryn said...

come we study together again! :D CPU : best memories man !!

+ : A d a M : + said...

WowWww i dun come here for awhile and u blog so many times already..hahaha

hor! means u nvr stuck to ur no shopping rule also laa..=P bump can be found in toys r us..hehe.

..big enuf or not? =P

Jo Anne said...

Kat! yea CPU was awesome! Come to think of it. The most difficult exams now seems to be like peanuts. HAHHAHA. How I wish I could go back to doing assignments. Though it would mean burning the mid night oil again but at least I get 3 months OFF. Damn!

Adam! Blog lesser compared to those days. Yea! Big enough! I likeeeeeeeeee. Did u just buy that for Wendy?! Roarrrrrrr jeles. EH I'm ur childhood fren leh.. *elbows HAHHAHAHA.

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