
Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Flu since Thursday night. Best part my family doctor doesn't work on public holidays and weekends so I was left with medication prescribed by the pharmacist. Just as I thought I have recovered on Sunday and was happily texting everyone making plans for outings I have missed, the virus struck me again. Definitely one of the worse nights I ever had. 

Anyhow am feeling very much better now. FOR REAL. hopefully. I think the one who suffered the most was Mr. Chee. *sayang*

Photos from Evan's birthday eve - The night before I fell sick. 

We wanted to surprise her with a flaming but she was too busy with the phone!

Bersungguh -sungguh betul budak ni. LOL.

Girls night out group!

On a side note, Evan ordered Long Island and when it came it was so diluted tasted more like lime juice. Then they changed the drinks for us but the alcohol taste still wasn't strong enough. 

I do know that the margarita and Sangria in Laundry is kinda tasteless more like fruit juice. Yes,  No? Gave up on their cocktails long before.

We clicked instantly when I first met Evan because of SHOPPING!

Don't be deceive by the photo. The stuff we were.. well let's just say very well hidden. hehe.

And of course the endless ridiculous jokes.

Me : Where did you get your shoes from?

Evan : Bla bla bla! HAHAHAHA.

geddit geddit?!

And she'll say things to me like "Let me buy you an  LV!" whenever we see really ridiculous imitation products like LV tissue box. wtf.

Me : Oh thank you very much. God bless your kind soul. 


And the Chinese lala shop keeper will stare at us like how we like to stare at lala DVD sellers with their modified cars and girlfriends. wtf.

Oh btw they were selling so many of these almost everywhere.

Till then. I'm gonna RE-join the workforce. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

0 scrawlins':

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