
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rest Day

How was your holiday? Mine was great! (Sorry for those of you who are not working in Selangor. I truly understand your feeling since I used to work in KL.)
Spent a quiet night on the eve with white wine + meatball + princess tart + comedy + a loved one = bliss.

Perfect combo.

How thoughtful of him to get a new container and celan with hot water somemore since Ikea doesn't provide take away containers.

I wanted to stay home since work has been so hectic. Mr. Chee decided to surprise me with Ikea meatballs and Princess tart. FYI I don't eat meatballs at all but I go crazy over Ikea's. They're just so damn good. Poor boy was caught in the traffic for hours just to get my meatballs. *sayang*

Headed over to Tropicana City Mall to watch Princess and the Frog with Kat + Bryan. Stupid movie. Don't ever watch it! Another disappointment. Here's the deal. I'm a big fan of Walt Disney. I've watched movies like Enchanted a gazillion billion times till I can sing the songs by heart. Walt Disney movies are filled with such magical/fairy tale kinda feeling + the music is just so....

But THIS! NO WALT DISNEY feel at all!

Went to Bad Ass before the movie.

In sequence from the first to fourth drink. 
1. 100% Kana. Bad Ass' freshly brewed coffee. Very blunt. The smell the refreshing scent of coffee. Plus it taste like water + coffee left out brewed after quite some time and they just warm it up. 

2. Iced Haolen Menebune (White Choc + Rasberry)
Tasted so so. Not very impressive either. I thought it was ok because it was the best decent taste among the four. The drink still tasted a lil weird. Very strong bitter yucky coffee taste but yet it has this extremely sweet artificial syrup scent. 

3. Iced Jitter Juice (Dark Choc + Irish Cream)
Super yucks. Tasted more like antibiotic but I wonder how did Bryan managed to finish it.

4. Monkey Mocha (Dark Choc + Banana)
Also another antibiotic drink.

Frozen Coffee cubes but the drinks are still yucky.

Mr. Chee : Bee look! Its your shadow!

zzzzz. Why is my boyfriend always like that.

Aiyo my hand is very the itchy wei. I can't resist myself from shopping anymore. 

Till then. Have a great weekend!

0 scrawlins':

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