
Friday, January 29, 2010

My Valentine's Day

Who would u choose to spend your Valentine's with? 

Ashton Kutcher's the one for me without a doubt! Well besides Mr. Chee. wtf.

We would start off the day roaming around the streets of KL. Probably in malls or wherever.

I have to parade my "date" to the whole world and make everyone jealous. wtf. Since he's attracted older woman like Demi, the world's definitely got to see who made him ditch his wife for a younger girl on Valentine's. Plus I would be with Ashton and Mr. Chee. Hence, I would be extra special, the center of attention. Muahahhahaha. wtf.

There won't be a time table for us to go about since I could forsee that there will be no time off we could use from laughing since he is filled with random surprises. Moreover, just by looking at his facial expressions is good enough.


How can one ever forget You Got Punk'd episodes? Just in case you did or never heard of them before. ROOOOOOAR. 

Later in the evening.

Since Valentine's Day also falls on the first day of the New Luna Year, I shall introduce him to our Chinese family and friends dinner, "YA YA YA YA YAMMMMMMMM........... SENGGGGGG!!!!!", mah jong, black jack, kalaoke and whatever you name it ching chong culture. 

Says who Valentine's Day ought to be spent with a hot date? Happy moments are meant to be shared. Of course I would want my family and friends to brag to their friends that they spent Valentine's night/Chinese New Year with a superstar a have a great moment with Ashton.

Ashton can bring Demi along if he wants to as long as she doesn't kill the fun. wtf. And we shall all spend the rest of the night eating, drinking and be merry.

Till then. Remember to catch Valentine's Day on 11th Feb!

0 scrawlins':

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