
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Its Bout Time!

Today, as I got to work I saw this in on MSN news -  Top 10 countries creating the most negative environmental impact

No surprise, Malaysia was one of them and it ranked no. 8. heh. 

Now seriously do you want to be breathing air like this into your lungs everyday?

Or imagine if this is the outcome of acid rain showered on stones.

Do you still dare to walk under the rain what more play or enjoy the showers?

These are just two very minimal examples. Its really bout time for us to do something. It takes a small step to make a huge difference. To date, I have a habit of bringing my own shopping bags, support and particapte environmental events also to segregate trash. Besides, printing paper on both sides and recycling them is not difficult but evangalising to others is a challenge.

Well, I'm actually not as good as I may sound like because earlier I disposed THREE disposal plates. I could have just used one instead but due to my ignorance it just din't occur to me. zzzz.

SO DO SOMETHING! Instead of complaining the weather is so hot these days, what have done to reduce your carbon footprint?

Till then. Our resources today is not possessions left over by our ancestors but treasures we borrowed from the future. 

2 scrawlins':

+ : A d a M : + said...

gosh..that just sounded like an assignment straight out of World Issues back in CPU days..hahaha

btw..y havnt u accepted my invite on gtalk huh?!?! -__-

Jo Anne said...

WE MUST DO SOMEHTING! or else we'll be like that ugly monkey. HAHAHHAHA.

Err forgot. Sorry. Will do so.

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