
Friday, April 2, 2010


Twas' preparing to do the Lafite post but then my laptop hang. Then u look at the time woah! Got to put it aside again. sigh. As for now anyone seen this bag?!!!

I saw this in white!!! 

Selling at some bazzar but they were selling it for RM 78. Think its a bit too pricey cause I've seen this person selling other bags  that is exactly the same from other blogshops at half the price. zzz. I'm looking for white!

So far I've been quite successful with the no shopping thing. *fingers cross* You see I've been spending most of my energy these days e-shopping e-window shopping and the thing bout e-shopping is it allows me to compare prices and as kept comparing, comparing and comparing and I think I wanna get it. Then I get sick looking at it. HAHAHAHAH.

And... you need to communicate with the blopshop owner through e-mail and usually a transaction would require a couple of e-mails being exchange then only you get the deal done. Hence, its not so impulse which makes you think twice or longer before purchasing something. YAY. No yucky peas for me!

Till then. Everybody dancing in the moonlight!

0 scrawlins':

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